The Greatest Gift.



About michael sean symonds

Alternative educator? Artist? Author? Meditation instructor? S.M.G.W.M? Who is here to say with clarity & conviction who/what I AM? Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of bumping into some amazing teachers & mentors; people who have changed me in unspoken ways. People who have elevated my life experience with hope, meaning, joy & purpose. Through the use of creativity, teaching, speaking & writing, I have enjoyed sharing the gifts I have inherited from others: Roxi Hermson, Leonard Orr, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Wolinsky, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Rupert Spira, Mooji, Hafiz & Louise Thomson to name a few. It is the artist, free thinker, poet, advocate & friend, who has inspired this life "I" call my own. With image & word, in private practice, one-on-one or group facilitation & service, I have touched meaning, purpose & peace; something magical that lies beyond the thinking mind. It is in so-called work that I have met "my" desire & intention to elevate & ennoble the lives of others. To point to a direction; to encourage others to see the impulse of life that leads towards an elevated nurturing of our [own] inner wisdom & Soul. It is through one-on-one indulgence of great cups of coffee and engaged conversation, the experience & expression of creativity, the silence of meditation or the activity of snowboarding, that I have felt freedom & simplicity that lies in the Art of Being. For more about what’s going on in my world, please check out:
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